
Showing posts from November, 2022

What Is PEO ? Everything You Need To Know | Ebizfiling

    Introduction     Many businesses that want to outsource all of their human resources use PEOs. They want to minimize their risk and liability while reaping the benefits of collective bargaining such as compensation, payroll, and other costs related to the PEO Human Resources . The PEO (Professional Employment Organization) serves as a full-service outsourced human resources department. In this article we will look into the PEO Services, “What is PEO?” And other information on PEO Services in India. A PEO service provider can assist your company in streamlining operations to increase productivity and profitability.     What is PEO?     A PEO, or professional employer organization , is a full-service co-employment human resource outsource structure. PEOs ( Professional Employer Organizations ) often serve as professional employers for the employees of their customers. Employee liability is transferred to the PEO when the client company reports its salaries using the PEO's federal

What Are The Different Types Of Recruitment Processes | Ebizfiling

Introduction For any company, recruitment is an essential part of developing and maintaining an effective and efficient team. A good recruiting strategy will save you time and money which is used for extensive training and development of not-so-potential candidates. Recruitment uses different ways to find, screen, shortlist, and then select the right candidate as per the requirement of the company. So in the current blog, we will discuss the purpose and type of recruitment. What is Recruitment? Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring suitable candidates (from within the internal or external of a company) to fill the positions. The   process of recruitment involves searching, sourcing, and selecting the right candidates for the role of the company.    Purpose of the recruitment process The hiring process helps a business to determine its current and long-term personal needs. To establish the precise number of candidates required, it is important to analyze business operations

Appointment Of A Director In A Private Limited Company | Ebizfiling

  Introduction   Since the company is a legal entity, it requires a natural person to manage, lead, control, and supervise the affairs of the company.  There must be a minimum of two directors appointed for a Private Limited Company in India . The board of directors of a Private Limited Company can elect or nominate one or more people to serve as a director who executes and determines the policies of the company. In this article, we have discussed the process of appointment of a Director in a Private Limited Company.   Who is a Director?   A director is a person who is appointed to manage or control the affairs of the company. They are responsible for monitoring the progress of the company, and giving direction to the employees. The director of a Private Limited Company acts as a representative of the company in any case.   Eligibility of Director   The appointment of the Director of the company is governed by the clauses of the Article of Association (AoA) of the company. The person a