What Are The Different Types Of Recruitment Processes | Ebizfiling


For any company, recruitment is an essential part of developing and maintaining an effective and efficient team. A good recruiting strategy will save you time and money which is used for extensive training and development of not-so-potential candidates. Recruitment uses different ways to find, screen, shortlist, and then select the right candidate as per the requirement of the company. So in the current blog, we will discuss the purpose and type of recruitment.

What is Recruitment?

Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring suitable candidates (from within the internal or external of a company) to fill the positions. The process of recruitment involves searching, sourcing, and selecting the right candidates for the role of the company.   

Purpose of the recruitment process

  • The hiring process helps a business to determine its current and long-term personal needs. To establish the precise number of candidates required, it is important to analyze business operations.

  • The daily operations of the company are carried out smoothly as assured by the recruitment process. It constantly provides companies with all the essential human resources for varied career opportunities. The
    recruitment process selects an individual from different backgrounds to fit the requirements of the company.

  • The recruitment process focuses on reducing the company’s overall expenses and spending time with qualified candidates.  The recruitment process is a well-organized strategy in which a many people are provided with a detailed description of a job vacancy.  A many people are attracted towards the good job description.

Types of recruitment

Internal recruitment process

Internal recruitment involves recruiting candidates within a company to fill the vacancy. Unlike external sources, companies fill the positions through references of internal employees or current employees’ promotions to higher positions. The benefits of internal recruitment are as follows-

  • No cost is involved in hiring and training them for the position.

  • It is less time-consuming.

  • It builds a strong relationship between employees and employers.

  • It motivates others to work hard to get employed in high positions or promotions and intends the employees to stay longer.

  • It also builds the trust of the employee towards the company.

Along with the benefits, there are certain disadvantages of the internal recruitment process. It follows-

  • The position of the person who is promoted will be vacant.

  • The promotion of employees can be biased.

  • No new opportunities for external candidates.

  • Dissatisfied employees may quit if their co-worker is promoted to high positions.

External recruitment process

External recruitment involves recruiting a candidate through references, job portals, and networks or they may approach recruitment agencies. To compete with other companies and increase their standard, employers hunt for the best talents working for other top companies. The benefits of external recruitment are as follows-

  • It creates new opportunities for outside candidates.

  • There is less chance of partiality among employees in the company.

  • There can be an increase in the selection ratio.

  • The company will be able to recruit new sets of skills or talents.

  • It will reduce work pressure on the current employees.

Along with the benefits, there are certain disadvantages of the external recruitment process. It follows-

  • It is time-consuming because the recruiter has to conduct the whole process of hiring potential candidates.

  • The cost will be involved in the recruitment process and training of the potential candidates.

  • Employing new people raises the issue of adjustment and legal risks.   

  • There might be less chance of understanding the environment of the company for new employees.

Final thought

We will conclude that the company can hire or promote people from their own company by the way of an internal recruitment process and also through an external recruitment process where the HR professional decides a strategy, put job vacancy posts, screening, selecting, etc for choosing the potential candidate. The internal and external recruitment process should be considered during the recruitment process in hrm.





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